It is not necessary to leave "La Casa del Señorito to enjoy a pleasant and entertaining stay, but if you like to see new places, you will need more than a weekend to explore all the cultural possibilities within a 70 km radius. Decide in which direction you want to go and in any of the 4 cardinal points around the house you will find an interesting place to visit. This region offers an infinity of cultural possibilities both in Castilla- La Mancha (Sigüenza, Palazuelos, Hiendelaencina, Cogolludo, etc) and in its neighbouring region (Castilla-León). It is worth mentioning the nearby town of Atienza, of which Bochones is a district. The tourist office will inform you of all the "good things" of this historic town: its castle, its porticoed square, its popular houses, its churches-museum, its ethnological museum and its festivities. Particularly noteworthy is the traditional fiesta of the Caballada, its origins and the traditions that go with it.
For lovers of sports that "smell of petrol" there are also many possibilities. You can start off on a good biker's route, whether you like to "curve" or prefer a quiet road, and then return to the starting point after an exciting day to enjoy a "biker's rest".
From here you can also go quad biking along paths that will take you up hills and through holm oak groves to new destinations. Savour the scenery, the smells and the sensations that this environment has to offer.
But if you prefer to combine all these sensations with sport, don't hesitate to bring your bike. This place is also ideal for cycling.